Chain Letter Postmortem

Finally, I've made a game outside of Flash. It's my first time using a proper game engine so I had to learn a lot of new things to use it properly. I'm a code noob and only know simple stuff, so the event system in GDevelop was perfect for me. I'm thankful it exists! Hooray! I think the game turned out OK, but there were definitely things I should've improved in retrospect.

I'm not sure if chain letters still get passed around by email. They're probably posted on social media nowadays-- if they still even get posted. Hopefully people still understand the concept of chain letters, because then the premise wouldn't make that much sense.  Honestly, the idea of pitting a whole bunch of chain letter monsters against each other was the driving reason I made this game. LOL. I thought up of the other endings afterwards.

Honestly this was the part I spent the most time on. I'm also not an artist so making so many graphics was a huge undertaking since I was used to simple low-effort doodling in Flash. Since standard games these days were wide screen and such I wasn't sure what screen dimensions to use so I went with 1920x1080, but now that I think about it I didn't need to restrict myself with that. Since it's a PC game technically any dimension would do, so long it fit the game. Making it too big would make the game file big as well and the more compact the game, the better. I was just too used to not thinking about the size of image files due to the vector graphics in Flash that retained its definition no matter what size you put it. Too bad there aren't any game engines that utilize a vector system like Flash! (But it's probably not done for a reason) I suppose this is also why many people utilize pixel art since it looks good no matter the screen size and it's lightweight ...I don't have experience with pixel art though. Oh well, I'll just stick to hand-drawn stuff.

As I already said, I'm no good at coding. While GDevelop's event system was easy to use there were definitely better ways to implement a game element. Don't tell anyone but if you leave the desk at certain points while talking to Adrian, the previous chat bubbles disappear until you click again to continue. If I used a different method I think I could've prevented that, but it works regardless so I just went with it. I thought it would be better to finish the game rather than trying too hard to perfect it, since it's not something people would do in usual gameplay anyway. That's the mentality I'm going with - try my best to complete a good project and not try too hard for perfection. Well... that sounds kinda sloppy and unprofessional, but I'm not getting paid for this and I want to move on to the next project!

It was very easy to create Ray since I just based him off loosely off myself. You can see Ray's friends in his FaceSpace page and I'm planning to make a game with all them included. It's still in very early development but it's definitely Halloween themed.
Most of the chain letter monsters are based off actual chain letters I found online. I didn't make them scary though - they're more cartoony and silly. I wouldn't know how to make them scary anyway, I'm not really a horror aficionado.
I'm happy with Satan's design. I didn't want to do a generic muscly demon or satyr, so I went with a feline design. Makes sense that a cat would rule over hell, doesn't it? He used to be a pet of God's but pushed off one too many cups and got banished to hell. Well, not that Satan minds; he enjoys the work. Reigning over souls is all too natural for him!

I don't know if tagging the game horror is accurate but I'm not sure what else would fit. It's more like Scooby-Doo's level of scary - the whole thing's more comedy than anything. is an obvious place to publish games, but I'm thinking of publishing it elsewhere too. But maybe after enough people download and test it so I can make sure it's good enough to publish it elsewhere.

Overall I'm just glad I finished a game. Woohoo! I hope people will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it!


Chain Letter.exe 115 MB
7 days ago
Chain 140 MB
7 days ago

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